16 Feb

Messrs Yazid & Co was appointed as Lead Counsel to assist Mr Indra Widjaja ('Indra') with his claim against Lee Zii Jia Management Sdn Bhd ('LZJ Management') over unfair dismissal from his 3 years of contract of employment with LZJ Management.

The settlement terms (as agreed between parties and formalised through exchange of correspondences between solicitors) among other allows Indra to issue the following media statement to clear any speculation surrounding the separation between himself and LZJ Management:-

  • In relation to the claim filed by Mr. Indra Widjaja (“Indra”) against LZJ Management Sdn Bhd (“LZJ Management”), parties are pleased to inform that they have agreed to an amicable out of court resolution;
  • The parting of ways between LZJ Management and Indra was borne purely out of consideration by team LZJ on LZJ philosophies, methods of coaching and training;
  • The parting of ways between LZJ Management and Indra has no bearing on Indra’s method of coaching and performance under the contract of employment; and
  • Parties hope there would be no speculations or assumptions in relation to this matter and wish each other well in their respective professional careers.

Indra is currently with Indonesian Badminton Association (PBSI) and coaching Indonesia's No.1 woman singles player Gregoria Mariska Tunjung. Yazid & Co wish Indra all the best in his future undertaking.

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